首页 / 退货及退款政策
訂單一經確認及完成,恕不接受任何取消訂單。如須更改訂單,請即日與我們聯絡,買家或需承擔有關銀行費用。所有商品,如沒額外標明,均與蒸餾廠或裝瓶商出廠時相同。Harbour Cellar 職員會於運送前再一次檢查商品及拍照紀錄,並以合適的包裝物料保護閣下的商品,以減低運輸期間商品損壞之風險。 我們承諾會以最嚴謹的態度處理每瓶威士忌及其他商品。如遇上特殊情況,閣下可於收到商品後的 7天內,以電郵/WhatsApp 向我們提出退換商品,閣下請於電郵內詳細列明提出退換之原因及有關照片。 No cancel of order will be accepted. In case of any order changes and refund request, please check with us within the date of purchase and buyer needs to absorb all the related bank charges. All whiskies sold are sealed by original distilleries, bottlers or merchants unless stated otherwise. Every bottle will be checked by our Staff before shipped, and photo recorded. The members of Harbour Cellar will try their utmost effort to handle your precious whisky or other products . The circumstances for return and refund for order should be uncommon. If there is such unexpected situation for request of return and refund for order, please email / WhatsApp us with details of the problem. Please note that request for return and refund for order shall be raised within 7 calendar days upon shipment arrived at airport, port, customer, post office or courier of the destination country/district/area, at the soonest point.